Division H
Serving Bakersfield, Lost Hills, Delano, Lake Isabella, Arvin, Grapevine, Frazier Park
Our Latests Posts:
Speech Contests
Speech Contests are coming up soon. Are you ready for the fun? This year our contests will be held in-person ONLY. Debbie Allmon will be running the Area and Divisions contests this year because I am not local to Bakersfield at this time. Some important meeting dates...
Wanted Club Officers to Shadow Current Officers
We are approaching the halfway point for the Toastmaster year. By now, all officers are getting ready for the second round of Club Officer Training. In this round, we should also be inviting prospective Club Officers for next year to join the training. If you are a...
Educational Awards for Nov – Congratulations
We work hard on our speeches and projects. When members complete a Pathways Level it is always fun to congratulate on their success. In November we had several levels completed but what I find most interesting about it all is that everyone achieved the awards in the...
Mid-Year Club Status – Where Does Your Club Stand?
What are the Districts goals for each Division? Well, obviously we want all Divisions to be Presidents Distinguished, all Areas to be Presidents Distinguished, and all Clubs to be Presidents Distinguished. We can of course kiss all this good-bye if the Clubs do not...
Dr. Ying-Ming Lee – Toastmaster of The Year
Congratulations to Dr. Ying-Ming Lee our newest Toastmaster of The Year Award recipient. Each year the District Leadership goes through all the members of our District to determine who is The Toastmaster of The Year. Ying-Ming out shown over 1,800 members in the...
Next Year’s District Leaders – Who, What, Where, How
OMG, REALLY? You were a Club Officer at time! Well, what are you supposed to do now that you accomplished that goal? I cannot tell you how many times I had this conversation with other Toastmasters. They know that there is something beyond the club level but refuse to...
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. What a wonderful year we are having. People are learning and growing into awesome leaders. Our members are becoming terrific speakers. A new Pathways was rolled out for us. Clubs are starting to go hybrid and meeting in person. Woo Hoo....
Area Director Club Visit Status
Every year Toastmaster International requires that the Districts send a representative to visit each Club within the District. That duty falls on the Area Director twice per year. The first round of club visits are required to be completed by the end of November each...
Why Be a Club Sponsor
A club sponsor is assigned to each new club attempting to charter and plays a fundamental role in successfully creating a new Toastmasters club. The Club Extension Committee assigns club sponsors based on inquiries or applications from members progressing towards the...
Club Coach Program
What is a club coach? Not just anyone can be a club coach. If they could then we would never have any clubs in trouble because everyone would know what to do. No, the club coach needs to be an experienced Toastmaster. The coach must be from OUTSIDE the struggling...
![Jim Kearney, DTM](https://d33tm.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/James-Kearney.jpg)
Jim Kearney, DTM
Division H Director
Jim Kearney has been a Toastmaster since 2016, and has served in most club officer roles and many district leader roles. Jim specializes in guiding members toward earing their DTM. His montra is “You are not in this alone”
![Juanda Ford](https://d33tm.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/JuandaFacePic.jpg)
Juanda Ford
Area H1 Director
I earned my Masters degree from California State Unviersity Northridge. Empowering me to assist individuals and families to adapt to change using positivity,
![Brittney Brim](https://d33tm.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Brittney.jpg)
Brittney Brim
Area H2 Director
I’ve been in Toastmasters for almost 11 years in November. I have been serving as an area Director for three terms, so this is my third term. My job as an Area H2 Director is to visit the clubs in my area, and communication with club officers in every clubs in my area about the upcoming events, renewals, and etc. if you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (661) 304-6577.
![Mary Reyes](https://d33tm.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Mary-Headshot-07.22.jpg)
Mary Reyes
Area H3 Director
As an Area Director for Toastmasters, I was “volun-told” to join over seven years ago, but today, I choose to keep coming back. My journey in Toastmasters has seen me hold several positions in my club, and I am currently working toward achieving my Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award. My passion lies in communication, organization, and training, as well as helping people become the best versions of themselves. I take pride in equipping others with professional poise and leadership skills through the transformative power of Toastmasters.
Club Links
Club Membership Renewal Status
Club DCP Status
Club Officer Training Status
Area Director Club Visit Status
District Incentives
Training Links
The Ice Breaker Project
What Is The Distinguished Club Program
Club Success Plan
Moments of Truth
Club’s Mentorship Program
Resource Links
Area Director Resources
Club Coach Program Resources
Club Sponsor Resources