December came and now we are into January. The second round of Club Officer Training has started The Division goal is to have all seven officers per club trained. Unfortunately, we fell short of that goal in the first round. Below is the current status report for Club Officer Training in Division H. See how well your club did in reaching our goal. If there is a mismatch or something that is not recorded, please contact the PQD (Darnell Evans) to be sure the data gets corrected.
Those clubs highlighted in RED did not yet meet the minimum of four officers trained. It is your responsibility as officers to get trained in order to properly do your job. Area Directors, take charge of the clubs in your Area and ensure they all have the minimum four officers trained.
There are several make up trainings being offered throughout the District. If necessary, set up a training in your Area and get your club officers there. Time is running out to get officers trained. Do not put this off to the last minute because it will be too late to fix any problems if something goes wrong.
Club Officers, if your Area Director does not help you get your officers trained then pick up the phone and hold them accountable. It is a lot easier to say no to an email then it is to a voice on the phone. Take charge of your club and get your people trained.
As of 1/19/25 – the reported status to Toastmasters International is below:

We are in September. The first round of Club Officer Training is complete. The Division goal was to have all seven officers per club trained. Unfortunately, we fell short of that goal. Below is the current status report for Club Officer Training in Division H. See how well your club did in reaching our goal. If there is a mismatch or something that is not recorded, please contact the PQD (Darnell Evans) to be sure the data gets corrected.
Congratulations to Memorial Hospital, Membership Masters and Downtown Overachievers for reaching the Division Goal of 7 officers trained
Congratulations to all clubs that reach the Toastmaster International goal by having at least four officers trained during this round.
All Clubs with four or more officers trained get DCP credit for this training period on the Dashboards.