by Eric Browning | Jul 14, 2023 | Incentives
The district has released new incentives for 2023-24. Visit the incentives page to learn more! Incentives...
by Tan Pham | Jul 1, 2023 | Announcements
Hello Members, This Toastmasters year has flown by quickly and we are now in the home stretch. But it’s not June 30th, yet! It’s been a fun year and a year of growth for our District. Many of us have grown or exercised new skills and confidence in club...
by Nico Martin | Jul 1, 2023 | PQD
Igniting Excellence: A Toastmasters Year Filled with Inspiration and happiness. As we embark on a brand new Toastmasters year, I am filled with enthusiasm and excitement as your Program Quality Director. It is my honor and privilege to serve alongside such a talented...
by Darnell Evans | Jul 1, 2023 | Announcements
It is with great appreciation that I thank you for electing me Club Growth Director. I express my gratitude to the Toastmasters members for your dedication and support this upcoming year. Stepping into my new role is both challenging and exciting. Whether you have...