A club sponsor is assigned to each new club attempting to charter and plays a fundamental role in successfully creating a new Toastmasters club. The Club Extension Committee assigns club sponsors based on inquiries or applications from members progressing towards the Distinguished Toastmaster accreditation. A club sponsor is an experienced Toastmaster with leadership skills, a passion for Toastmasters, and a strong dedication to helping charter a new club. Each new club may have up to two sponsors.
There are several reasons to be a sponsor for a Toastmasters club, including:
- Personal development: Being a sponsor can help you develop leadership, project management, and marketing skills. You can also learn how to translate values into action, and improve your teamwork skills.
- Share your passion: You can share your enthusiasm for Toastmasters with new members.
- Earn credit: You can earn credit towards the Distinguished Toastmaster accreditation.
- Be part of something exciting: You can be involved in the start of a new club and experience the enthusiasm of its members.
- Help others: You can help new members become more effective communicators and leaders.
A club sponsor’s responsibilities include:
- Helping to identify a new club opportunity
- Working with the Club Growth Director and Club Extension Chair to help the club charter
- Coordinating the demonstration meeting
- Helping to establish regular meetings
- Completing the required paperwork
- Planning the charter presentation
- Providing resources to help new club organizers
- Attending the new club’s charter presentation
A sponsor’s commitment is usually around three to six months, after which a mentor takes over.
Links to Club Charter Forms
Charter checklist Club Charter Checklist
Form 1 – Application to organize a Toastmasters club Form 1 – Application to Organize
Form 2 – Charter payments Form 2 – Charter Payments
Form 3 – Charter member application Form 3 – Charter Member Application
(The applications are retained for the club records)
Form 4 – Charter club officer information Form 4 – Charter Club Officer Information
Form 5 – Club Information Form 5 – Club Information
Form 6A – Club Constitution Form 6A – Club Constitution
Form 6B – Addendum of standard club options Form 6B – Addendum of Standard Club Options
Links to Toastmaster supporting documents
How to Sponsor a New Club
Leading a Club Meeting for the First Time
Leading the Club to Success
Toastmasters International -New Clubs (FAQ)