For some reason there are many clubs that seem to not know what the Distinguished Club Program is or why we have it. If you are wondering the same thing, there is an article about that very subject. You can see that article by clicking here. I recommend that you read the article first if you are not aware of what it is. Otherwise, the following information will be like a foreign language to you.

The District’s goal is to have all clubs at charter strength. Congratulations to:
Memorial Hospital Toastmasters
Bolt House Fresh Foods Toastmasters
Speak Up Toastmasters
for achieving this status during the September renewal drive. Awesome job. As we move forward in the Toastmaster year, there is still plenty of time for other clubs to acquire this status. If your club is competing in the “One Member Per Month Per Club” initiative, now would be a great time to step up that game.

Toastmasters International requires clubs to maintain at least eight members to be considered an active club. Several of our clubs reached this goal. Congratulations go out to:
Downtown Toastmasters Club
DTM Toastmasters Club
Golden Empire Overachievers
Golden Empire Club
Gift of Gab
Membership Masters
Wonderful Orchards

Clubs with less than eight members are considered inactive according to Toastmasters International. These clubs cannot participate in any Toastmaster International activities until they get at least eight registered members in the club. This includes things such as Speech Contests and even the Distinguished Club Program itself. Unfortunately, we have a few clubs in this category that may need help attaining those members or risk becoming Suspended clubs by April 1.
Downtown Overachievers
Reach For The Stars
Aera Toastmasters
Downtown Soal Speakers
Chevron SJV
City of Bakersfield

There is still time to save these clubs, but some work needs to be done. If all clubs participated in the “One Member Per Month Per Club” initiative and actually added a new member per month. No club in the Division would be in this situation because you would always have 12 new members every year. It is a mindset. Simply ask yourself, do you want to see your club disappear or succeed. Then reach out and get new members accordingly.