What are the Districts goals for each Division? Well, obviously we want all Divisions to be Presidents Distinguished, all Areas to be Presidents Distinguished, and all Clubs to be Presidents Distinguished. We can of course kiss all this good-bye if the Clubs do not understand what it takes to make themselves Presidents Distinguished. For whatever reason – most do not. What about your own Club?

As leaders, we consistently show the DCP Dashboard to our club. “This is where we stand” we tell them “and this is where the District wants us to be.“ As the Division Director this year I have mentioned the Dashboard several times already. I try to keep the post on its status up to date. You can see your club status if you visit the post here: Your Club’s DCP Status – District 33 Toastmasters

The buy-in to achieve Distinguished or better MUST come from the top. If the Club Officers are not pushing to achieve the DCP results – rest assured – neither are the club members. I encourage EVERYONE to go look at their Club’s DCP status in that post. We are approaching the mid-year point of the Toastmaster Year which means your club should already be at mid-point of your DCP goal. To spell it out – your club should have five points, and one of those five points is four new members that joined the club.

Are you there?

If not, what are you going to do about it.

Here are the requirements for the Division DCP Goals – our aim is Presidents Distinguished

As you can see, there are two main goals for Presidents Distinguished Division. We need 17 paid clubs and eight of those clubs need to be Distinguished or better. Please take the time to note what this is saying. It is not saying 17 Divisions – it is saying 17 CLUBS. It is not saying eight distinguished Divisions – it is saying CLUBS.

I point out to you the fact that it’s the CLUBS because that is where the members are. EVERYTHING in Toastmasters is about the member and that members success. If your Club members are not succeeding, then you do not have the numbers to achieve Distinguished or better status. The Dashboards are the only way that Toastmaster International can tell the health of a Club. If the numbers are down, then the club is not succeeding.

Similarly, the Areas becoming Distinguished or better have the same boundaries – the Clubs. Once again, I point out, that if the Clubs reach their goals the Area – just like the Division – will automatically reach their goals.

Here are the requirements for the Area DCP Goals – again, the aim is Presidents Distinguished.

If the Club Officers took to heart and pushed their club members to success the need for this post would be irrelevant. If all of the Club Officers did it and all of the Members succeeded, then the numbers would be there automatically and every Division, Area and Club would be Presidents Distinguished. Unfortunately, as you look at the post and see your Club’s number, you realize there is work that needs to be done in your club.

Which raises the question – How and what are you going to do about it?

Contrary to popular belief, Toastmasters is NOT all speeches. Toastmasters’ motto “Where leaders are made” takes on a whole different meeting than just getting up in front of an audience and speaking. Every single organization everywhere in the world is driven to goals. If they were not, there would be absolutely no reason for the organization to exist.

Toastmasters is no different. Building leaders with more effective communication skills is only “part” of what Toastmasters is about. It also includes Leadership skills like all the other organizations. That is why we have Club Officers, Area Directors and other District officers. All officers should be DCP driven. Failure to do so means your club fails as well.

If your Club’s numbers are not what they need to be at the midpoint, then it is time to put those leadership skills to use. Engage your members. Engage your officers. Get them actively searching for new members. Hold open houses. Compete in the Toastmasters Membership Drives. Advertise your club. Educate your members. What do you think all the different officer positions are for? Get out there and do a bit of work. You will be surprised at the results.

If you need help and guidance with how to get things done, ASK. I constantly repeat my mantra – YOU ARE NOT IN THIS ALONE. I freely give out my number, so people have a way to contact me. Low and behold, almost nobody calls. I presume they must all know what they are doing because they are not asking for help. If you have not asked, then there is no excuse for failing now is there?

DCP dashboards indicate two sets of goals. One for membership and the other for educational / administrative tasks. If your club adds one new member (just one) per month, your club will never have a membership problem. What is your club’s plan to find one new member per month. Is your club following its own plan?

What about educational or administrative goals? Your club as a Success Plan, are you following that plan? Does your VPE schedule your speeches to help you reach your educational goals? Are your officers doing what they need to be doing for the administrative goals. If not, why not and why are YOU not holding them responsible for their tasks.

District 33 created an incentive to help clubs reach the mid-year point goals. If your club is not where it needs to be then you are leaving money on the table. EVERY club should shoot for getting that incentive. You can read all about the incentive here: PowerPoint Presentation

Resources and Articles

Toastmasters International -Membership Retention: Is Your Bucket Leaking?

Toastmasters International -Build the Club You Want

Toastmasters International -A Roadmap for Club Growth

Toastmasters International -Talking Up Toastmasters
