2024-2025 District Calendar Posted

District 33 Director-elect, Nico Martin, DTM, has posted The District Calendar for the 2024-25 Toastmasters Year. This document lists dates for important events such as District Council meetings and Club Officer Trainings. It also includes essential deadlines and...

Finishing The Year Strong, TOGETHER

Hello Members, This Toastmasters year has flown by quickly and we are now in the home stretch. But it’s not June 30th, yet! It’s been a fun year and a year of growth for our District. Many of us have grown or exercised new skills and confidence in club...

Take your Leadership to the Next Level!

Greetings Toastmasters! In the spirit of personal growth, consider taking the next big step in your leadership journey – running for a district office. Serving at the district level not only enriches your own experience but also contributes significantly to the growth...

Hall of Fame: 2022-23 Year

Register now for the Hall of Fame event on January 6, 2024. This Hybrid event at 10:30 a.m. in Bakersfield is a hosted luncheon celebrating our success as a President’s Distinguished District, and is open for all Toastmasters members. and a guest. View on the...

CGD: Let’s Achieve Our Goals

It is with great appreciation that I thank you for electing me Club Growth Director. I express my gratitude to the Toastmasters members for your dedication and support this upcoming year. Stepping into my new role is both challenging and exciting. Whether you have...

Early Bird April Renewal Incentive

View ALL 2022-23 Incentives How would you like to save money by paying our April renewal now? Galvanize only 50% of our club members to renew the April 2023 club dues and WIN BIG! Here’s how it works: Every member of every club who pays our April through September...

DEC Meeting, Nov 10, 2022 6PM

Members of the District Executive Committee: We have a short but important business meeting that requires your attention. Please preregister at: https://bit.ly/3WmyRJd, and plan to attend beginning 6:00 pm and ending by 6:45 pm Thursday, November 10, 2022. Please...
District Council & DEC Meetings

District Council & DEC Meetings

Saturday Morning, September 24, 2022 To all Club Presidents, and Vice President’s Education, and members of the District Executive Committee: Please register to attend the District Council Virtual meeting Saturday, September 24, 2022 at 9:30AM.  (A DEC meeting will be...

Call for Nominations 2021-2022

Call for Nominations for 2021-2022District 33 Leader Positions   Dear District 33 Leaders,    As District Leaders it is your responsibility to look for and find your Area or Division replacement. You have now been in your Director position for 5 months and in that...