Hello Members,

This Toastmasters year has flown by quickly and we are now in the home stretch. But it’s not June 30th, yet!

It’s been a fun year and a year of growth for our District. Many of us have grown or exercised new skills and confidence in club meetings, speech contests, council meetings, or training events. The best part is that you’ve been able to share that experience and demonstrate your growth to your families, friends, coworkers, and club members. As we race towards the finish line to achieve our goals (Individual, Club, Area, Division, District), I ask that everyone cherish and absorb the moments. Appreciate how far you’ve come and realize that you are capable of anything you put effort towards. We are all here to support you and cheer you on.

When a member achieves, their club benefits; when a club achieves, the district benefits. Continue to strive towards your goals and let’s finish this Toastmasters year strong, TOGETHER!

Tan Pham, DTM
2023-2024 District 33 Director