We are finishing off the first quarter of the Toastmaster year. To be on track for a successful year your club should have certain tasks already accomplished and goals already reached. How does your club stack up?

Your Club website data is all updated to reflect current information, meeting information, officers, contact points etc.

Your Club information on the Toastmasters International website is updated with current information

Your Club Success plan is completed and uploaded in Club Central with all pertinent information and signed by all officers who help create the Success Plan

If your club is eligible for a club coach, you contacted the Club Growth Director and got a coach assigned

At least four out of seven of your club officers were trained for their job

Your club submitted a club lead to the Club Growth Director

Your club added five new members and achieved the Smedley Award

Your club renewed a minimum of eight members during the renewal period to maintain eligibility status

Your club had an Area Director visit where you talked with the Area Director to get any resources you need to resolve any club issues

Your club is one quarter of the way through the DCP program and goals are met setting your club up for success and achieving the mid-point incentive

As the year goes on, more tasks get added to this list. If your club has not completed these tasks so far, you may find yourself falling behind. To be successful you want to accomplish tasks as they appear during the year. Missing those goals makes it difficult to enjoy a successful year.

Always remember – YOU ARE NOT IN THIS ALONE – there are people and resources available to you. If you need help, reach out. Do not bang your head against the wall – all that will do is give you a headache. Pick up the phone, call someone, get answers, get resources, get guidance, grab a mentor to help you. Every person in Toastmasters has a vested interest in your success. The only problem is – they are not mind readers – pick up that phone and seek out any help you need.