Man, oh man, setting up Free Toast Host is so difficult. I can never readily find help in an easy-to-understand format. I sure wish there was someplace I could go that would just show me the step-by-step actions I need to make use of a FTH site.
Have you ever felt like this?
Well, I am here to tell you there is a place you can go that will do just that. In District 33 there is a Toastmasters Club called Membership Masters. The club was designed to figure out ways to make clubs more effective, retain their members and grow their clubs. If you are not already a member of Membership Masters but you want to help your club become more vibrant – then you should consider joining a second club and come see what Membership Masters can offer you. YOU ARE NOT IN THIS ALONE and Membership Masters is there to help you succeed.
In the club’s public download section on their website is a plethora of information and tools you can make use of to help your club. There is bound to be something for every club to make use of. Everything from Free Toast Host training to Virtual Meeting Tools. All the training on the site is in Power Point format with red circles and step by step instructions. You can see everything in their Public Download section by clicking here.

Thats just the stuff being offered publicly. Members of the club have access to the “members only” section with even more helpful tools. Every meeting is educational in nature where information is freely handed out in speeches, encouraged to take back to your home clubs and make use of data outside of Membership Masters.
Have questions on how to build a vibrant club – Membership Masters has the answers.
Have questions on what tools are available to make meeting more effective – Membership Masters has the answers.
If you have club related questions, Membership Masters is your place to be. If you are an Area or Division Director, you should jump on the opportunity to join Membership Masters. It is probably the most important club you could join to help guide you in your newfound duties as a District Leader. If you are a club officer and are having difficulty building your club, joining Membership Masters will become your blessing hiding in plain sight.
Come, join Membership Masters, grow your club to new levels and have a lot of fun doing it.