Division A
Serving Palmdale-Lancaster, Kern County East of the Tehachapi mountains, all of Inyo County, and San Bernardino County, north of and not including Barstow.
Welcome to Division D
Hello Toastmasters! I'm so pleased to announce this page where division specific information can be found! Here are some quick links you may find helpful: Division D Speech Contest on 3/23
January Congratulations
It is January, the start of a new year. The heroics in Toastmasters crosses a threshold this month. It takes at least eight members to make a club receive PAID status and be eligible to participate in Toastmasters activities. Division H has several clubs with the...
Welcome Forward Communications Academy
A heartfelt and enthusiastic welcome to Forward Communications Academy as it joyfully joins our vibrant family of District 33 Toastmasters clubs! The charter of this remarkable club in Division B stands as a shining testament to our unwavering commitment to...
Two Minute Report – 20250118
Division H Two Minute Report Membership According to the Dashboards today Division H has 8 out of 17 clubs with less than eight members – three of these clubs are listed at seven and only needing one new member to get them where they need to be as a paid club All of...
Training Resources 2024-25
Presentations and other training materials from the district-sponsored trainings, including Club Officer Training (COT), and District Officer Training (DOT) during the 2024-2025 year can be found at the link below. For questions, please [Contact Us], or leave a...
Div H Speech Contests
Speech Contests are coming up soon. Are you ready for the fun? This year our contests will be held in-person ONLY. Debbie Allmon will be running the Area and Divisions contests this year because I am not local to Bakersfield at this time. Some important meeting dates...
Wanted Club Officers to Shadow Current Officers
We are approaching the halfway point for the Toastmaster year. By now, all officers are getting ready for the second round of Club Officer Training. In this round, we should also be inviting prospective Club Officers for next year to join the training. If you are a...
Educational Awards for Nov – Congratulations
We work hard on our speeches and projects. When members complete a Pathways Level it is always fun to congratulate on their success. In November we had several levels completed but what I find most interesting about it all is that everyone achieved the awards in the...
Mid-Year Club Status – Where Does Your Club Stand?
What are the Districts goals for each Division? Well, obviously we want all Divisions to be Presidents Distinguished, all Areas to be Presidents Distinguished, and all Clubs to be Presidents Distinguished. We can of course kiss all this good-bye if the Clubs do not...
Dr. Ying-Ming Lee – Toastmaster of The Year
Congratulations to Dr. Ying-Ming Lee our newest Toastmaster of The Year Award recipient. Each year the District Leadership goes through all the members of our District to determine who is The Toastmaster of The Year. Ying-Ming out shown over 1,800 members in the...
Next Year’s District Leaders – Who, What, Where, How
OMG, REALLY? You were a Club Officer at time! Well, what are you supposed to do now that you accomplished that goal? I cannot tell you how many times I had this conversation with other Toastmasters. They know that there is something beyond the club level but refuse to...
Max Plank
Division A Director
This is the short biography of the division director. Contained here is when they began in toastmasters, some of their key accomplishements, home club, and goals for the year.
Martha Hammond
Area A1 Director
A short blurb about the director is placed here. List their home club, and clubs they are supporting.
Jeff Connley
Area A2 Director
A short blurb about the director is placed here. List their home club, and clubs they are supporting.