Speech Contests are coming up soon. Are you ready for the fun? This year our contests will be held in-person ONLY. Debbie Allmon will be running the Area and Divisions contests this year because I am not local to Bakersfield at this time. Some important meeting dates you need to know:
Dec 16 -Contest Planning Meeting – 5:30 PM via Zoom
Jan – Club Speech Contests – Ongoing for the month of January
Feb 8 – Area Speech Contests – 8:00 Am to 12:00 PM
March 15 – Division Speech Contest – 8:00 Am to 12:00 AM
Division Contest Location:
Kern County superintendent of schools
City Centre
1300 17th Street Room 1C
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Room opens at 8 AM
The paperwork will be available to fill out if you are a contestant or judge. All forms for facilitators will be available We will also have breakfast refreshments, water, coffee, banana bread, orange/blueberry muffins, fresh fruit, nuts, and bananas.
Table topics contest
Briefing for contestants and facilitators starts at 8:30
Contest starts at 9 AM
Contest is over by 9:30 AM
10 minute break
The international Speech Contest
Briefing for contestants and facilitators starts at 9:45 am
Contest starts at 10 AM
Contest is over by 10:30 AM
Area Contest Location:
Kern County Superintendent of Schools
Larry Reider Building
2000 K Street Room 201
Bakersfield, CA. 93301
I think it is also important to note here that February and March are also our Renewal Dues period. If a club has participants in the Area and Division contests, that club MUST maintain their eligibility in order for their members to compete in the District Contest in May.
Club and member eligibility status
Members and Clubs have various requirements to compete. There is an Online Tool to check eligibility requirements. You can find that tool here: Toastmasters International -Speech Contest Eligibility Checker. You can also see the Speech Contest Rulebook for the complete details of eligibility by clicking here: 1171 Speech Contest Rulebook
Members must be in good standing and have completed Level two of a Path by the time Area Contests begin
Clubs with less than eight members cannot participate in Speech Contests unless those Clubs up their memberships before the Area Contests begin.
Currently we have the following Clubs with less than eight members
Downtown Overachievers
Reach For The Stars
Aera Toastmasters
Downtown Soal Speakers
Chevron SJV
City of Bakersfield