Have you made the Plus One Pledge yet? If not, please join me in doing so. It is not a difficult task to accomplish. We need to bring a guest to a meeting between now and the end of December. Plenty of time to find and invite people. Reach out and give the gift of Toastmasters to someone you know. Your friend, your co-worker, someone in your network, they all love gifts. Invite them to a meeting with you and let them enjoy the fun and thrill of Toastmasters.
Learn more about the Plus One Pledge by clicking here.
Here is a template for inviting your coworkers to a meeting. Click here. You can change up the template a bit and make it usable for anyone, not just your coworkers. Send it to your friends, your family, heck even send it to your enemies. I am sure they would love a chance to evaluate your speeches.