Area Directors are required to visit their clubs at a minimum of twice per year. These visits are usually scheduled between Sept – Nov for the first visit and Mar – May for the second visit. It is encouraged for Area Directors to visit clubs once per quarter. Clubs can request Area Director visits at any time.
We are in September now. Area Directors will start to reach out to clubs to schedule their visits. Do you know what to expect during the visit? Area Directors will use the “Moments Of Truth” to measure how well your club is doing. If your club is hitting all cylinders of the moments of truth, there should not be any problems. If not, there may be areas of improvement they club might want to take on.
Clubs often are unaware of what the Area Director looks for during their visits. Here are two links to manual/documents that you as club members and leaders can use to familiarize yourself and prepare for your scheduled Area Director visit.
Area Directors Club Visit Reports
Most clubs struggle with membership. Doing a Moments of Truth study for the club could help determine where and what improvements need to be made to solve that problem. There is also a push for each club to gain one new member per month. Is your club achieving that goal? If not, make the most out of your Area Director’s visit and see what improvements they suggest the club work on.