Area Directors are required to visit each of their clubs at least twice a year. During these visits they are witnessing the clubs meetings and interactions to see if a club is on track to maintain a healthy successful status. Often times people ask me what do the Area Directors look for? If you are a club officer it behooves you to understand the club visit ahead of time. That way you are aware of what items are reported on and how you can prepare for them beforehand.

You can download a sample report for your club. Click this link, Area Directors Sample Report. This will give you a great overview of everything that is being reported on. Once you download this report, it is recommended that you implement any item that is not already being done by your club. Vibrant clubs exist because they follow through on each item. Clubs with low membership and little vitality exist because they do NOT follow through on each item.

Where does your club stand?

Do you want your club to be a vibrant successful club or one with low membership and an inactive status?

Below, click on the image to download the guide the Area Directors use when they make their club visits. This guide is everything the Area Director is trained to do for their club visits. Feel free to make use of this to improve your clubs before the Area Director comes to visit.