Would you like to save time, effort, and money with the convenience of paying for one year in advance? I have a wonderful opportunity that will help you offset your Toastmasters club costs and save you money!

Galvanize 50% of your club members to renew one year in advance and WIN BIG! Here’s how it works:

Every member who pays a year in advance renewals will earn at least $5 toward club costs.

For example, I know I will be renewing my $45 Toastmasters dues two times between now and September 30, 2023. (Once for six-month period starting October 2022 and then again for six months starting April, 2023).

If your membership base is 22 as of July 1, 2022, and members renew through September 30, 2023, then Toastmasters club costs incurred since July 1, 2022 can be used to offset costs by what your members earn.

It is easy and gets even better because it has the potential of paying back up to $10! Here’s how that works:

When you have at least 50% of your membership renewed to September 30, 2023, the amount per member goes up to $10 per member! For example, if Reach for the Stars starts with 22 members as of July 1, 2022, and 10 members renew a year in advance, they qualify for $10 per member credit. $10 per member incentive x 10 members =$100.

That’s $100 of club costs you can offset! This credit is immediately available to the club. If you have any questions, please ask.

On September 30 we will track which clubs have members who paid one year in advance. Those clubs will be recognized at the Hall of Fame in October.


Debbie Allmon, DTM
District 33 Director 2022-2023