I am having a problem understanding the current Distinguished Club Program. It’s no longer clear on the TI web site what we have to do to come up with a score of 9 or 10. It says we can only count a maximum of 6 from the Education Items. Where do the additional scores come from? Does that mean any 6 from either Pathways or the old program? Sunrise shows in the To Date completion column as having completed 2 for new members, 4 for trained officers, 1 for Pathways Education, 1 for Membership Renewal and 1 for Club Officer list. The goals met box shows only 1 which means it only seems to be counting the one item under Education. I no longer understand how the scoring works and there doesn’t seem to be any explanation on the web page. Can you enlighten me?
Hi Mark,
I am having a problem understanding the current Distinguished Club Program. It’s no longer clear on the TI web site what we have to do to come up with a score of 9 or 10. It says we can only count a maximum of 6 from the Education Items. Where do the additional scores come from? Does that mean any 6 from either Pathways or the old program? Sunrise shows in the To Date completion column as having completed 2 for new members, 4 for trained officers, 1 for Pathways Education, 1 for Membership Renewal and 1 for Club Officer list. The goals met box shows only 1 which means it only seems to be counting the one item under Education. I no longer understand how the scoring works and there doesn’t seem to be any explanation on the web page. Can you enlighten me?
Bob Massey
Ventura Sunrise Toastmasters VP of Education
Thanks for writing. Your post has been forwarded to Area Director, Mark Lager.
Ann Hill, District 33 Website Committee member.