District 33 Town Hall Meeting (Speech Contests)

Zoom, Registration Required

OPEN to ALL MEMBERS: Voice your opinions and ask questions about speech contest formats and categories for our Spring 2024 speech contests.  The purpose of holding this meeting 6 days before the District Executive Committee (DEC) and District Council meetings (both on 16 SEP) is to allow for all members in District 33 to ask […]


Club Speech Contest Training

Zoom, Registration Required

Learn how to Hold and Compete in a Club Speech Contest Zoom Event, Registration Required: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcocOmupz0tGdNXFm_M0ttiek8M6v5vwPfk Club speech contest training holds immense significance for the growth and success of Toastmasters clubs. It fosters personal growth and skill development among members as they challenge themselves to craft compelling speeches and boost their communication abilities, leading to […]