2022 Annual Conference

April 29 – 30, 2022
Hosted by Division E, Virtually on Zoom.

About The Conference

Each year, members and guests gather to learn from the best in educational workshops, be inspired by our guest speakers, entertained at the District speech contest, and be recognized for their achievements. The conference also hosts our business meeting where we elect next year’s leaders. Throughout the event there are opportunities to learn, share and network with Toastmasters from around our large district.

Featured Talks & Speakers

District 33 is proud to present two excellent and influential and speakers to inspire and motivate you. These include World Champion of Public Speaking, Willie Jones, ATM, WCPS, and International Director for Region 2, Karen Lucas, DTM. Details below.

Educational Workshops

Whether you seek to be a better leader, speaker or communicator, our worldclass workshops will help you build the knowledge and skills to be your best.

District Speech Contests

First place winners from each of the seven Divisions compete in three separate contests: Spanish Humorous, Tall Tales, and International Speech. The winner of the International Contest will represent District 33 in the Regional Quarter-Finals for a chance to compete in the World Championship of Public Speaking!

Featured Talks & Speakers

Learn, be inspired, and motivated to achieve your greatest potential. District 33 Toastmasters is proud to present these two accomplished speakers sure to do just that. Don’t miss this opportunity. Read on to learn more.

Apr. 30 — 8:40 AM PDT

Karen Lucas, DTM

Current International Director, Region 2, Karen Lucas, DTM, is our Distinguished Speaker at the conference.

Apr. 30 — 9:30 AM PDT

Wayne Sebera, DTM

Leading the Educational Session:
Learn to Evaluate Like a Champion

Apr. 30 — 10:55 AM PDT

Willie Jones, ATM, WCPS

1997 World Champion of Public Speaking, Willie Jones, ATM presents our conference keynote address: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.

Apr. 30 — 9:30 AM PDT

James Kearney, DTM
& Vanneca Phelps, DTM

Leading the Educational Session:
Discover the Fun of Pathways

Apr. 30 — 9:30 AM PDT

Josh Damigo, IP4

Leading the Educational Session:
Impact through Leadership

The Conference

Friday, April 29, 2022

All Times are Pacific Daylight Time – PDT

5:30 pm: Sign in, chat and relax!

6:00 pm: Welcome

6:20 pm: Spanish Humorous Speech Contest [Program]

7:00 pm: Awards & Recognition (7/1/21 – 3/30/22)

8:20 pm: Announcement of Winner of Spanish Humorous Contest

8:30 pm: Happy Hour

Saturday, April 30, 2022

All Times are Pacific Daylight Time – PDT

7:00 am: First Timers Welcome Session (sign-in 6:45 am)

7:00 am: District Executive Committee (DEC) Meeting (DEC members only, sign-in 6:45 a) [Details]

7:45 am: Zoom meeting opens for all attendees

8:05 am: Welcome and Opening Event

8:40 am: Distinguished Speaker: Karen Lucas, DTM, Region 2 International Director

9:20 am: Break

9:30 am: Educational Sessions: Discover, Learn, Impact

  • Discover the Fun of Pathways
    James Kearney, DTM
    Vanneca Phelps, DTM
  • Learn to Evaluate Like A Champion
    Wayne Sebera, DTM
  • Impact through Leadership
    Josh Damigo, IP4

10:15 am: Break

10:30 am: Region 2 International Director Candidate Speeches

10:38 am: First Timer’s Session Prizes, & Communication and Leadership Award.

10:55 am:  Keynote Address “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” by Willie Jones, ATM, WCPS

11:55 am: Lunch Break (Lunch time entertainment by Menu Masters)

1:00 pm: Tall Tales Speech Contest [Program]

3:00 pm: Annual Business Meeting of the District Council [Details]

5:00 pm: International Speech Contest [Program]

7:20 pm: Thank You & Acknowledgements

7:30 pm: Closing

Conference Committee & Host Division

This year’s District 33 Conference is Hosted by Division E, centered in scenic Santa Barbara. While a beautiful place to visit, you won’t have to make the drive, or book a room, because our conference is being held virtually, and you can attend from anywhere you have a stable internet connection.

The Division E Director, is Esron Gates.

The Conference Co-Chairs are:

  • Grace Rachow, DTM, Area E2 Director.
  • Anna Romero, IP2, Area E1 Director.
  • Katy Porter, DTM, PDG, D33 Parliamentarian.