District 33 Annual Conference 2023
Thursday, April 27 – Saturday, April 29
A Hybrid Event, Hosted by Division G
Register Now!
As a hybrid event, you may register for either in-person or remote attendance. (Read on below to see what to expect from both).
Questions? Contact conference@d33tm.org
* The conference is officially April 27-29. With virtual business meetings on the 27th, and some evening events TBA on the 28th. The 29th will see the majority of events.
District Council & DEC Meeting 4/27
The District Council & DEC Business Meetings are being held virtually on the evening of 4/27. If you are a district leader, club president, or club VPE, please visit the link below to register.
All members are welcome to attend the District Council meeting to observe.
Benefits of In-Person or Online Attendance
- Live experience to listen to great guest speakers (Jesse Oakley, III, DTM, ID & Mark Brown, CSP, WCPS) and meet them during meet/greet sessions
- Chance to sit at themed tables with guest speakers or District Officers
- Convenience of onsite breakfast, lunch, snacks, and beverages included
- Special first-timer conference attendees session
- Discounted hotel block rates available (breakfast included for hotel guests)
- Live online access to the conference
- Convenience of viewing the conference recordings (minus the International Speech Contest) anytime after the conference
- Commemorative District 33 Conference Zoom virtual background
- Online networking opportunities during the morning, lunch and afternoon breaks
- Opportunity to win swag
Register Now!
As a hybrid event, you may register for either in-person or remote attendance.
Questions? Contact conference@d33tm.org